Table of Contents

  1. Video Tutorials
  2. Tests menu
  3. Sections menu
  4. Students menu
  5. Options menu
  6. Post editor
  7. The student
  8. Credits
  9. FAQ

Video tutorials

This video series covers the essential back-end functionalities of the plugin.

Tests menu

The Tests menu allows you to create grammar tests based on the available sections.

Follow this procedure to create a test:

  1. Visit the Grammar Test -> Tests menu.
  2. Enter the test Title.
  3. Enter the test Description.
  4. Select at least one section by using the Section (1-10) fields
  5. You can enter additional information about the test with the Additional Info field. The plugin will display this text just above the submit button on the grammar test.
  6. Select the test Type between the four available options. See the table below for details on how the test type affects the behavior of the test.
  7. Save the test by clicking the Add Test button.

The Type option determines the availability and the behavior of a grammar test. Use this table as a reference to select the proper test type:

AccessResultsMax Number of Submissions
Public TestEveryoneNot SavedUnlimited
Free PracticeStudentsNot SavedUnlimited
ExaminationStudentsSavedOne per Student

Download the results of a specific test

A button to download the results of a specific test as a CSV file is available under the last column of the table.

Follow this procedure to download and use the results of a specific test:

  1. Click the Download Icon available in the last column of the table
  2. Open the downloaded file with your favorite spreadsheet software
  3. Set the Character Set as Unicode (UTF-8)
  4. Set the Text Delimiter as Double Quotes
  5. Set the Separator as Comma
  6. The results will now be available inside your application

Sections menu

The Section menu allows you to create sections, namely groups of sentences used in the grammar tests.

Follow this procedure to create a test:

  1. Visit the Grammar Test -> Sections menu.
  2. Enter the section Title.
  3. Enter the section Description.
  4. Enter at least one sentence by using the Sentence (1-10) fields. Please note that each sentence should have at least one Missing Word or Multiple Selection. See the paragraphs below for details on creating and editing missing words and multiple selections.
  5. Select if the plugin should automatically enumerate sentences with the Enumerate option.
  6. Save the section by clicking the Add Section button.

Missing Words

The missing words are empty spaces where the students have to include the correct form of a verb, the proper article, rewrite a phrase, etc.

Follow this procedure to create a missing word:

  1. Click the Add Missing Word button.
  2. Enter the Correct Answer.
  3. Select if the match between the defined correct answer and the answer provided by the student should be Case Insensitive.
  4. Enter the Explanation of the answer. The plugin will display this text in the tooltip associated with the missing word.
  5. Click the Add button.

Follow this procedure to edit a missing word:

  1. Click the Edit Missing Word button.
  2. If there is more than one missing word in the sentence, select the missing word that you want to edit by using the Missing Word ID option.
  3. Enter the Correct Answer.
  4. Select if the match between the defined correct answer and the answer provided by the student should be Case Insensitive.
  5. Enter the Explanation of the answer. This text will be displayed in the tooltip associated with the missing word.
  6. Click the Update button.

Multiple Selections

With the multiple selections, you will be able to provide your students with a series of possible answers.

Follow this procedure to create a multiple selection:

  1. Click the Add Multiple Selection button.
  2. Enter the alternative answers in the Alternative (1-5) fields.
  3. Select the Correct Answer.
  4. Enter the Explanation of the answer. The plugin will display this text in the tooltip associated with the multiple selection.
  5. Click the Add button.

Follow this procedure to edit a multiple selection:

  1. Click the Edit Multiple Selection button.
  2. If there is more than one multiple selection in the sentence, select the multiple selection that you want to edit by using the Multiple Selection ID option.
  3. Enter the alternative answers in the Alternative (1-5) fields.
  4. Select the Correct Answer.
  5. Enter the Explanation of the answer. The plugin will display this text in the tooltip associated with the multiple selection.
  6. Click the Update button.

Students menu

The Students menu provides a list of the registered students with related statistics.

For each student, the following information is provided:

  • The Name of the student.
  • The overall number of Correct Answers.
  • The overall number of Wrong Answers.
  • The Score, namely the percentage of correct answers on the total number of answers.

Download the results of a specific student

A button to download the results of a specific student as a CSV file is available under the last column of the table.

Follow this procedure to download and use the results of a specific student:

  1. Click the Download Icon available in the last column of the table.
  2. Open the downloaded file with your favorite spreadsheet software.
  3. Set the Character Set as Unicode (UTF-8).
  4. Set the Text Delimiter as Double Quotes.
  5. Set the Separator as Comma.
  6. The results will now be available inside your application.

Options menu

You can customize the typography, the colors, the displayed text, and the general behavior of the plugin in the Grammar Test -> Options menu.

If you need information about a specific option, hover over the tooltip available on the right of each option.

Post editor

Please follow this procedure to include a test in a post with the Grammar Test block:

  1. Edit a post, page, or custom post type.
  2. Select the Visual Editor mode.
  3. Add the Grammar Test block.
  4. Search or select a test with the provided select box.

Please follow this procedure to include a test in a post with the TinyMCE editor:

  1. Edit a post, page, or custom post type.
  2. Select the Visual mode.
  3. Click the Grammar Test button.
  4. Search or select a test with the provided select box.
  5. Click the Add Grammar Test button.

Note that you are not limited to a single grammar test per post. Feel free to add multiple grammar tests by repeating one of the two procedures above.

The student

During its activation, the plugin creates the “Student” WordPress roles. This role grants the capability to submit tests of type Free PracticePractice, and Examination.

You can enable user subscriptions in the Settings menu and set the “Student” as the default role:

  1. Visit the Settings -> General menu.
  2. Set the Membership option to “Anyone can register”.
  3. Set the New User Default Role option to “Student”.
  4. Save your changes.

Alternatively, you can manually create the students in the Users menu:

  1. Visit the Users -> Add New menu.
  2. Set the UsernameEmail,  First NameLast Name, and Password of the user.
  3. Select “Student” with the Role option.
  4. Save your changes.


This plugin makes use of the following resources:


What happens when I uninstall the plugin?

The plugin will delete all the database tables and options during the uninstall process. The Student role with its custom capabilities will also be deleted. In addition, the users with the role of Student will be assigned to “No Role”, a user status with no capabilities.

Tell me more about the “Student” role

The Student WordPress role has only two capabilities.

The first capability is dagt_perform_practice_and_examination, a custom capability created and used only by the plugin. This capability allows the user to use the test of type Free Practice, Practice and Examination.

The second capability is read, a default capability that allows the user to visit the back-end of your website.

For more information about the WordPress roles and capabilities, please check out Roles and Capabilities.

What happens when a user with the role of “Student” is deleted?

If you delete a user with the role of Student from the Users -> All Users menu, the plugin will delete the results associated with the user.

Which versions of PHP are supported?

PHP 5.3 and later versions are supported.

Which versions of WordPress are supported?

WordPress 3.8 and later versions are supported.