Table of Contents
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Matches Menu
- Events Menu
- Events Wizard Menu
- Competitions Menu
- Transfers Menu
- Transfer Types Menu
- Team Contracts Menu
- Team Contract Types Menu
- Agencies Menu
- Agency Contracts Menu
- Agency Contract Types Menu
- Market Value Transitions Menu
- Players Menu
- Player Positions Menu
- Player Awards Menu
- Unavailable Players Menu
- Unavailable Player Types Menu
- Injuries Menu
- Injury Types Menu
- Staff Menu
- Staff Types Menu
- Staff Awards Menu
- Staff Award Types Menu
- Referees Menu
- Referee Badges Menu
- Referee Badge Types Menu
- Teams Menu
- Squads Menu
- Formations Menu
- Jersey Sets Menu
- Stadiums Menu
- Trophies Menu
- Trophy Types Menu
- Ranking Transitions Menu
- Ranking Types Menu
- Import Menu
- Export Menu
- Maintenance Menu
- Options Menu
- Match Timeline Block
- Match Commentary Block
- Match Score Block
- Match Visual Lineup Block
- Match Lineup Block
- Match Substitutions Block
- Match Staff Block
- Matches Block
- Squad Lineup Block
- Squad Substitutions Block
- Squad Staff Block
- Competition Round Block
- Competition Standings Table Block
- Transfers Block
- Team Contracts Block
- Agency Contracts Block
- Market Value Transitions Block
- Market Value Transitions Chart Block
- Players Block
- Player Summary Block
- Player Awards Block
- Unavailable Players Block
- Injuries Block
- Staff Block
- Staff Summary Block
- Staff Awards Block
- Referee Summary Block
- Referee Statistics by Competition Block
- Referee Statistics by Team Block
- Trophies Block
- Ranking Transitions Block
- Ranking Transitions Chart Block
- Shortcodes
- Credits
Please use the installation guide for installation and update instructions. The information available in this document applies to all our WordPress plugins.
Quick Start
This section allows you to create your first match, set the result of the match, and publish basic match information.
1 – Import the demo data
To import the demo data proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Settings -> Import menu
- Click the Choose File button and select the XML file that includes the demo data (it’s named demo-data.xml and located in the main plugin folder)
- Click the Upload file and import button to start the process
The demo data are now available in the plugin and ready to be used.
2 – Create your first match
To create a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Matches menu
- Enter the name of the match in the Name field
- Enter the description of the match in the Description field
- Select “None” with the Competition select box to create a friendly match
- Select the first team of the match with the Team 1 select box
- Select the second team of the match with the Team 2 select box
- Use the Import Squad 1 select box to import the data of the team 1 from a squad (please note that these data will be used to populate the fields available the Lineup Team 1, Substitutes Team 1, Staff Team 1 and Advanced Team 1 sections)
- Use the Import Squad 2 select box to import the data of the team 2 from a squad (please note that these data will be used to populate the fields available the Lineup Team 2, Substitutes Team 2, Staff Team 2 and Advanced Team 2 sections)
- Set the date of the match with the Date date picker
- Enter the time of the match in the HH:MM format (E.g. 9:30, 15:00, 20:45) in the Time field
- Use the fields available in the Additional Information section to store additional information associated with the match
- Click the Add Match button to complete the operation
Your first match is now available, in the next step the events of the match will be created.
3 – Set the result of a match
To set the result of a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Events Wizard menu
- Set the match for which you want to create the events with the Match menu
- Use the fields available in the Team 1 and Team 2 sections to create events with Match Effect equal to “Goal”, “Yellow Card”, “Red Card” and “Substitution”
- Click the Generate Events button to complete the operation
A match with the related events is now available.
4 – List the existing matches in a post
To list the existing matches in a post proceed as follows:
- Edit a post
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Matches block
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
A list of matches that includes your first match is now available in the published post.
5 – Include the lineup of a team that played in a match
To include in a post the lineup of a team that played in a match proceed as follows:
- Edit a post
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Lineup block
- Select the match with the Match option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Select the team with the Team option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
6 – Include the substitutions of a team that played in a match
To include in a post the substitutions of a team that played in a match proceed as follows:
- Edit a post
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Substitutions block
- Select the match with the Match option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Select the team with the Team option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
7 – Include the staff members of a team that played in a match
To include in a post the staff members of a team that played in a match proceed as follows:
- Edit a post
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Staff block
- Select the match with the Match option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Select the team with the Team option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
8 – Include the visual representation of a team that played in a match
To include the visual representation of a team that played in a match proceed as follows:
- Edit a post
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Visual Lineup block
- Select the match with the Match option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Select the team with the Team option available in the Settings Sidebar of the block
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
9 – Learn all the other important features
Soccer Engine is much more than this, and we recommend you to read the entire plugin manual to learn how to use all the other important features.
Follow these steps to speed up the learning proceed:
- Learn to create complete events with the Events Menu, so you can then use the Match Timeline Block and the Match Commentary Block.
- Learn to create competitions with the Competitions Menu, so you can then use the Competition Round Block and Competition Standings Table Block.
- Learn to create player transfers with the Transfers Menu and then include the player transfers in a post with the Transfers Block.
- Learn to create team contracts with the Team Contracts Menu and then include the team contracts in a post with the Team Contracts Block.
- Learn to create agency contracts with the Agency Contracts Menu and then include the agency contracts in a post with the Agency Contracts Block.
- Learn to create market value transitions with the Market Value Transitions Menu and then include the market value transitions in a post with the Market Value Transitions Block and the Market Value Transitions Chart Block in a post.
- Learn to create players with the Players Menu and then include the players in a post with the Players Block.
- Learn to create player awards with the Player Awards Menu and then list the player awards in a post with the Player Awards Block.
- Learn to create unavailable players with the Unavailable Players Menu and then list the unavailable players with the Unavailable Players Block.
- Learn to create injuries with the Injuries Menu and then list the injuries with the Injuries Block.
- Learn to create staff members with the Staff Menu and then display the staff members in a post with the Staff Block.
- Learn to create staff awards with the Staff Awards Menu and then display the staff awards in a post with the Staff Awards Block.
- Learn to create referees with the Referees Menu and then use them in your new matches with the Matches Menu. When referees are associated with matches, you can include the referee statistics in a post with the Referee Statistics by Competition Block and the Referee Statistics by Team Block.
- Learn to create teams with the Teams Menu and then use them in your new matches with the Matches Menu.
- Learn to create squads with the Squads Menu and then use them to import the data of a team in the Matches Menu.
- Learn to create formations with the Formations Menu and then associate the formations with new squads and matches with the Squads Menu and the Matches Menu. The formations are both used for statistical purposes and in block layouts where the players are placed in the field, for example, in the Match Visual Lineup Block.
- Learn to create jersey sets with the Jersey Sets Menu and then associate the jersey sets with new squads and matches with the Squads Menu and the Matches Menu. The jersey sets are both used for statistical purposes and in the output of the blocks where the player number is displayed.
- Learn to create trophies with the Trophies Menu and then include the trophies in a post with the Trophies Block.
- Learn to create ranking transitions with the Ranking Transitions Menu and then display the ranking transitions in a post with the Ranking Transitions Block and the Ranking Transitions Chart Block.
- Learn to import the plugin data with the Import Menu.
- Learn to export the plugin data with the Export Menu.
- Learn to perform maintenance tasks with the Maintenance Menu.
- Learn to customize the plugin style and behavior with the Options Menu.
Matches Menu
The SE Matches -> Matches menu allows you to create, edit and delete matches.
Create a match
To create a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Matches menu
- Enter the name of the match in the Name field
- Enter the description of the match in the Description field
- Select a competition with the Competition select box or leave “None” to create a friendly match
- Select the first team of the match with the Team 1 select box
- Select the second team of the match with the Team 2 select box
- Use the Import Squad 1 select box to import the data of the team 1 from a squad (please note that these data will be used to populate the fields available the Lineup Team 1, Substitutes Team 1, Staff Team 1 and Advanced Team 1 sections)
- Use the Import Squad 2 select box to import the data of the team 2 from a squad (please note that these data will be used to populate the fields available the Lineup Team 2, Substitutes Team 2, Staff Team 2 and Advanced Team 2 sections)
- Set the date of the match with the Date date picker
- Enter the time of the match in the HH:MM format (E.g. 9:30, 15:00, 20:45) in the Time field
- Use the fields available in the Additional Information section to store additional information associated with the match
- Click the Add Match button to complete the operation
Edit a match
To edit a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Matches menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the matche that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Match button to complete the operation
Delete a match
To delete a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Matches menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the match that should be deleted
Events Menu
The SE Teams -> Events menu allows you to create, edit and delete events.
Create a basic event
To create a basic event proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Events menu
- Select “Basic” with the Data select box
- Select the match of the event with the Match field
- Select the team of the event with the Team field
- Select the match effect of the event with the Match Effect field
- Click the Add Event button to complete the operation
Please note that basic events are used for statistical purposes but do not provide enough data to generate the output of blocks like the Match Timeline Block, the Match Commentary Block or to visually represent the events of a match in the layouts of blocks like the Match Visual Lineup Block, Match Lineup Block, Match Substitutions Block, Match Staff Block, etc.
Create a complete event
To create a complete event proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Events menu
- Select “Complete” with the Data select box
- Select the match of the event with the Match field
- Select the team of the event with the Team field
- Select the match effect of the event with the Match Effect field
- If the selected match effect is “Goal”, “Yellow Card” or “Red Card” and the match effect is associated with a player select the player with the Player select box
- If the selected match effect is “Substitution” select the players involved in the substitution with the Player Substitution Out and Player Substitution In select boxes
- If the selected match effect is “Yellow Card” or “Red Card” and the match effect is associated with a staff member select the staff member with the Staff select box
- Select the part of the match associated with the event with the Part select box
- Enter the time of the event in the selected match part in the Time field
- Enter the additional time of the event in the selected match part in the Additional Time field
- Enter the description of the event in the Description field
- Click the Add Event button to complete the operation
Edit an event
To edit a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Events menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the event that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Match button to complete the operation
Delete an event
To delete a match proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Events menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the match that should be deleted
Events Wizard Menu
The SE Matches -> Events Wizards menu allows you to create multiple basic events in a single operation.
To create events with this menu proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Events Wizard menu
- Set the match for which you want to create the events with the Match menu
- Use the fields available in the Team 1 and Team 2 sections to create events with Match Effect equal to “Goal”, “Yellow Card”, “Red Card” and “Substitution”
- Click the Generate Events button to complete the operation
Please note that all the events created with this menu are listed in the SE Matches -> Events menu.
Competitions Menu
The SE Matches -> Competitions menu allows you to create, edit and delete competitions.
Create a competition
To create a competition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Competitions menu
- Enter the name of the competition in the Name field
- Enter the description of the competition in the Description field
- Select an optional logo with the Logo media selector
- Enter the number of rounds of the competition with the Round field (please note that the maximum number of rounds for a competition of type “Elimination” is equal to 7 and that the maximum number of rounds for a competition of type “Round Robin” is equal to 128)
- Select the type of competition with the Type select box
- Select the teams of the competition with the select boxes available in the Teams section
- If the type of competition is “Round Robin” use the fields and select boxes available in the Round Robin section to customize the statistics generated with the competition
- Click the Add Competition button to complete the operation
Edit a competition
To edit a competition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Competitions menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the competition that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player button to complete the operation
Delete a competition
To delete a competition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Matches -> Competitions menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the competition that should be deleted
Transfers Menu
The SE Transfers -> Transfers menu allows you to create, edit and delete transfers.
Create a transfer
To create a transfer proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfers menu
- Select the player with the Player select box
- Select the transfer type with the Transfer Type select box
- Select the team left by the player with the Team Left select box
- Select the team joined by the player with the Team Joined select box
- Set the date of the transfer with the Date date picker
- Enter the fee of the transfer with the Fee field
- Click the Add Transfer button to complete the transfer
Edit a transfer
To edit a transfer proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfers menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the transfer that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Transfer button to complete the operation
Delete a transfer
To delete a transfer proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfers menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the transfer that should be deleted
Transfer Types Menu
The SE Transfers -> Transfer Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete transfer types.
Create a transfer type
To create a transfer type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfer Types menu
- Enter the name of the transfer type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the transfer type in the Description field
- Click the Add Transfer Type button to complete the operation
Edit a transfer type
To edit a transfer type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfer Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the transfer type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Transfer button to complete the operation
Delete a transfer
To delete a transfer proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Transfer Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the transfer that should be deleted
Team Contracts Menu
The SE Transfers -> Team Contracts menu allows you to create, edit and delete team contracts.
Create a team contract
To create a team contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contracts menu
- Select the player with the Player select box
- Select the team with the Team select box
- Select the contract type with the Contract Type select box
- Set the date on which the team contract starts with the Start Date date picker
- Set the date on which the team contract ends with the End Date date picker
- Enter the salary with the Salary field
- Click the Add Team Contract button to complete the operation
Edit a team contract
To edit a team contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contracts menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the team contract that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Team Contract button to complete the operation
Delete a team contract
To delete a team contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contracts menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the team contract that should be deleted
Team Contract Types Menu
The SE Transfers -> Team Contract Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete team contract types.
Create a team contract type
To create a team contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contract Types menu
- Enter the name of the team contract type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the team contract type in the Description field
- Click the Add Team Contract Type button to complete the operation
Edit a team contract type
To edit a team contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contract Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the team contract type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Team Contract Type button to complete the operation
Delete a team contract type
To delete a team contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Team Contract Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the team contract type that should be deleted
Agencies Menu
The SE Transfers -> Agencies menu allows you to create, edit and delete agencies.
Create an agency
To create an agency proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agencies menu
- Enter the name of the agency in the Name field
- Enter the description of the agency in the Description field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the agency
Edit an agency
To edit an agency proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agencies menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the agencies that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Agency button to complete the operation
Delete an agency
To delete an agency proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agencies menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the agency that should be deleted
Agency Contracts Menu
The SE Transfers -> Agency Contracts menu allows you to create, edit and delete agency contracts.
Create an agency contract
To create an agency contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contracts menu
- Select the player with the Player select box
- Select the agency with the Agency select box
- Select the contract type with the Contract Type select box
- Set the date on which the agency contract starts with the Start Date date picker
- Set the date on which the agency contract ends with the End Date date picker
- Click the Add Agency Contract button to complete the operation
Edit an agency contract
To edit an agency contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contracts menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the agency contract that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Agency Contract button to complete the operation
Delete an agency contract
To delete an agency contract proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contracts menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the agency contract that should be deleted
Agency Contract Types Menu
The SE Transfers -> Agency Contract Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete agency contract types.
Create an agency contract type
To create an agency contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contract Type menu
- Enter the name of the agency contract type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the agency contract type in the Description field
- Click the Add Agency Contract Type button to complete the operation
Edit an agency contract type
To edit an agency contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contract Type menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the agency contract type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Agency Contract Type button to complete the operation
Delete an agency contract type
To delete an agency contract type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Agency Contract Type menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the agency contract type that should be deleted
Market Value Transitions Menu
The SE Transfers -> Market Value Transitions menu allows you to create, edit and delete market value transitions.
Create a market value transition
To create a market value transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Market Value Transitions menu
- Select the player with the Player select box
- Set the date of the market value transition with the Date date picker
- Enter the value associated with the market value transition with the Value field
- Click the Add Market Value Transition button to complete the operation
Edit a market value transition
To edit a market value transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Market Value Transitions menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the market value transition that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Market Value Transition button to complete the operation
Delete a market value transition
To delete a market value transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Transfers -> Market Value Transitions menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the market value transition that should be deleted
Players Menu
The SE Players -> Players menu allows you to create, edit and delete players.
Create a player
To create a player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Players menu
- Enter the first name of the player in the First Name field
- Enter the last name of the player in the Last Name field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the player
- Click the Add Player button to complete the operation
Edit a player
To edit a player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Players menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the player that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player button to complete the operation
Delete a player
To delete a player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Players menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the player that should be deleted
Player Positions Menu
The SE Players -> Player Positions menu allows you to create, edit and delete player positions.
Create a player position
To create a player position proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Positions menu
- Enter the name of the player position in the Name field
- Enter the description of the player position in the Description field
- Enter the abbreviation of the player position in the Abbreviation field
- Click the Add Player Position button to complete the operation
Edit a player position
To edit a player position proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Positions menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the player position that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player Position button to complete the operation
Delete a player position
To delete a player position proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Positions menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the player position that should be deleted
Player Awards Menu
The SE Players -> Player Awards menu allows you to create, edit and delete player awards.
Create a player award
To create a player award proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Player -> Player Awards menu
- Select a player with the Player select box
- Select a player award type with the Player Award Type select box
- Set the date on which the player award has been assigned with the Assignment Date date picker
- Click the Add Player Award button to complete the operation
Edit a player award
To edit a player award proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Awards menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the player award that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player Award button to complete the operation
Delete a player award
To delete a player award proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Awards menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the player award that should be deleted
Player Award Types Menu
The SE Players -> Player Award Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete player award types.
Create a player award type
To create a player award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Award Types menu
- Enter the name of the player award type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the player award type in the Description field
- Click the Add Player Award Type button to complete the operation
Edit a player award type
To edit a player award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Award Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the player award type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player Type button to complete the operation
Delete a player award type
To delete a player award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Player Award Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the player award type that should be deleted
Unavailable Players Menu
The SE Players -> Unavailable Players menu allows you to create, edit and delete unavailable players.
Create an unavailable player
To create an unavailable player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Unavailable Player menu
- Select a player with the Player select box
- Select an unavailable player type with the Unavailable Player Type select box
- Set the date on which the unavailability of the player starts with the Start Date date picker
- Set the date on which the unavailability of the player ends with the End Date date picker
- Click the Add Unavailable Player Type button to complete the operation
Edit an unavailable player
To edit an unavailable player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Players menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the unavailable player that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Unavailable Player button to complete the operation
Delete an unavailable player
To delete a player proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Unavailable Player menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the unavailable player that should be deleted
Unavailable Player Types Menu
The SE Players -> Unavailable Player Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete unavailable player types.
To create an unavailable player type proceed as follows:
Create an unavailable player type
- Visit the SE Players -> Unavailable Player Type menu
- Enter the name of the unavailable player type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the unavailable player type in the Description field
- Click the Add Unavailable Player Type button to complete the operation
Edit an unavailable player type
To edit an unavailable player type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Unavailable Player Type menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the unavailable player type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Unavailable Player Type button to complete the operation
Delete an unavailable player type
To delete an unavailable player type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Unavailable Player Type menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the unavailable player type that should be deleted
Injuries Menu
The SE Players -> Injuries menu allows you to create, edit and delete injuries.
Create an injury
To create an injury proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injuries menu
- Select a player with the Player select box
- Select an injury type with the Injury Type select box
- Set the date on which the injury period of the player starts with the Start Date date picker
- Set the date on which the injury period of the player ends with the End Date date picker
- Click the Add Injury button to complete the operation
Edit a player injury
To edit a player injury proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injuries menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the player injury that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Player Injury button to complete the operation
Delete a player injury
To delete a player injury proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injuries menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the player injury that should be deleted
Injury Types Menu
The SE Players -> Injury Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete injury types
Create an injury type
To create an injury type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injury Types menu
- Enter the name of the player in the Name field
- Enter the description of the player in the Description field
- Click the Add Injury Type button to complete the operation
Edit an injury type
To edit an injury type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injury Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the injury type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Injury Type button to complete the operation
Delete an injury type
To delete an injury type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Injury Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the injury type that should be deleted
Staff Menu
The SE Staff -> Staff menu allows you to create, edit and delete staff members.
Create a staff member
To create a staff member proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff menu
- Enter the first name of the staff member in the First Name field
- Enter the last name of the staff member in the Last Name field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the staff member
- Click the Add Staff button to complete the operation
Edit a staff member
To edit a staff member proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the staff member that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Staff button to complete the operation
Delete a staff member
To delete a staff member proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the staff member that should be deleted
Staff Types Menu
The SE Staff -> Staff Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete staff types.
Create a staff type
To create a staff type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Type menu
- Enter the name of the staff type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the staff type in the Description field
- Click the Add Staff Type button to complete the operation
Edit a staff type
To edit a staff type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Type menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the staff type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Staff Type button to complete the operation
Delete a staff type
To delete a staff type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Type menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the staff type that should be deleted
Staff Awards Menu
The SE Staff -> Staff Awards menu allows you to create, edit and delete staff awards.
To create a staff award proceed as follows:
Create a staff award
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Awards menu
- Select a staff member with the Staff select box
- Select a staff award type in the Staff Award Type menu
- Set the date on which the staff award has been assigned with the Assignment Date date picker
- Click the Add Staff Award button to complete the operation
Edit a staff award
To edit a staff award proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Awards menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the staff award that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Staff Award button to complete the operation
Delete a staff award
To delete a staff award proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Awards menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the staff award that should be deleted
Staff Award Types Menu
The SE Staff -> Staff Award Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete staff award types.
Create a staff award type
To create a staff award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Players -> Staff Award Types menu
- Enter the name of the staff award type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the staff award type in the Description field
- Click the Add Staff Award Type button to complete the operation
Edit a staff award type
To edit a staff award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Award Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the staff award type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Staff Award button to complete the operation
Delete a staff award type
To delete a staff award type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Staff -> Staff Award Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the staff award type that should be deleted
Referees Menu
The SE Referees -> Referees menu allows you to create, edit and delete referees.
Create a referee
To create a referee proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee menu
- Enter the first name of the referee in the First Name field
- Enter the last name of the referee in the Last Name field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the referee
- Click the Add Staff Award Type button to complete the operation
Edit a referee
To edit a referee proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referees menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the referee that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Referee button to complete the operation
Delete a referee
To delete a referee proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referees menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the referee that should be deleted
Referee Badges Menu
The SE Referees -> Referee Badges menu allows you to create, edit and delete referee badges.
Create a referee badge
To create a referee badge proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badges menu
- Select a referee with the Referee select box
- Select a referee with the Referee Badge Type select box
- Set the date on which the referee badge period starts with the Start Date date picker
- Set the date on which the referee badge period ends with the End Date date picker
- Click the Add Referee Badge button to complete the operation
Edit a referee badge
To edit a referee badge proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badges menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the referee badge that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Referee Badge button to complete the operation
Delete a referee badge
To delete a referee badge proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badges menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the referee badge that should be deleted
Referee Badge Types Menu
The SE Players -> Referee Badge Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete referee badge types.
Create a referee badge type
To create a referee badge type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badge Types menu
- Enter the name of the referee badge type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the referee badge type in the Description field
- Click the Add Referee Badge Type button to complete the operation
Edit a referee badge type
To edit a referee badge type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badge Type menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the referee badge type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Referee Badge Type button to complete the operation
Delete a referee badge type
To delete a referee badge type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Referees -> Referee Badge Type menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the referee badge type that should be deleted
Teams Menu
The SE Teams -> Teams menu allows you to create, edit and delete teams.
Create a team
To create a team proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Teams menu
- Enter the name of the team in the Name field
- Enter the description of the team in the Description field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the team
- Click the Add Team button to complete the operation
Edit a team
To edit a team proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Teams menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the team that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Team button to complete the operation
Delete a team
To delete a team proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Teams menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the team that should be deleted
Squads Menu
The SE Teams -> Squads menu allows you to create, edit and delete squads.
Create a squad
To create a squad proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Squads menu
- Enter the name of the squad in the Name field
- Enter the description of the squad in the Description field
- Select the lineup players with the select boxes available in the Lineup section
- Select the substitutes with the select boxes available in the Substitutes section
- Select the staff members with the fields available in the Staff section
- Select the formation associated with the squad with the Formation select box available in the Advanced section
- Select the jersey set associated with the squad with the Jersey Set select box available in the Advanced section
- Click the Add Squad button to complete the operation
Edit a squad
To edit a squad proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Squads menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the squad that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Squad button to complete the operation
Delete a squad
To delete a squad proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Squads menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the squad that should be deleted
Formations Menu
The SE Teams -> Formations menu allows you to create, edit and delete formations.
Create a formation
To create a formation proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Formations menu
- Enter the name of the formation in the Name field
- Enter the description of the formation in the Description field
- Enter the position of the player in the field with the X and Y fields available for each player
- Click the Add Formation button to complete the operation
Edit a formation
To edit a formation proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Formation menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the formation that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Formation button to complete the operation
Delete a formation
To delete a formation proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Formation menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the formation that should be deleted
Jersey Sets Menu
The SE Teams -> Jersey Sets menu allows you to create, edit and delete jersey sets.
Create a jersey set
To create a jersey set proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Jersey Sets menu
- Enter the name of the jersey set in the Name field
- Enter the description of the jersey set in the Description field
- Use the select boxes and fields available in the Players section to assign the jersey numbers to the players
- Click the Add Jersey Set button to complete the operation
Edit a jersey set
To edit a jersey set proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Jersey Set menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the jersey set that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Jersey Set button to complete the operation
Delete a jersey set
To delete a jersey set proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Jersey Set menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the jersey set that should be deleted
Stadiums Menu
The SE Teams -> Stadiums menu allows you to create, edit and delete stadiums.
Create a Stadium
To create a stadium proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Stadiums menu
- Enter the name of the stadium in the Name field
- Enter the description of the stadium in the Description field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the stadium
- Click the Add Stadium button to complete the operation
Edit a stadium
To edit a stadium proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Stadium menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the stadium that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Stadium button to complete the operation
Delete a stadium
To delete a stadium proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Stadium menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the stadium that should be deleted
Trophies Menu
The SE Teams -> Trophies menu allows you to create, edit and delete trophies.
Create a trophy
To create a trophy proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophies menu
- Select a trophy type with the Trophy Type select box
- Select a team with the Team select box
- Set the date on which the trophy has been assigned with the Assignment Date date picker
- Click the Add Trophy button to complete the operation
Edit a trophy
To edit a trophy proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophies menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the trophy that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Trophy button to complete the operation
Delete a trophy
To delete a trophy proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophies menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the trophy that should be deleted
Trophy Types Menu
The SE Teams -> Trophy Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete trophy types.
Create a trophy type
To create a trophy type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophy Types menu
- Enter the name of the trophy type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the trophy type in the Description field
- Use the other optional fields to store additional information associated with the trophy type
- Click the Add Trophy Type button to complete the operation
Edit a trophy type
To edit a trophy type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophy Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the trophy type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Trophy Types button to complete the operation
Delete a trophy type
To delete a trophy type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Trophy Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the trophy type that should be deleted
Ranking Transitions Menu
The SE Teams -> Ranking Transitions menu allows you to create, edit and delete ranking transitions.
Create a ranking transition
To create a ranking transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking Transitions menu
- Select a team with the Team select box
- Select a ranking type with the Ranking Type select box
- Set the date of the ranking transition with the Date date picker
- Click the Add Ranking Transition button to complete the operation
Edit a ranking transition
To edit a ranking transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking Transitions menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the ranking transition that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Ranking Transitions button to complete the operation
Delete a player
To delete a ranking transition proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking Transitions menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the ranking transition that should be deleted
Ranking Types Menu
The SE Teams -> Ranking Types menu allows you to create, edit and delete ranking types.
Create a ranking type
To create a ranking type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking types menu
- Enter the name of the ranking type in the Name field
- Enter the description of the ranking type in the Description field
- Click the Add Ranking Transition button to complete the operation
Edit a ranking type
To edit a ranking type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking Types menu
- Click the pencil icon associated with the ranking type that should be edited
- Edit the form based on your needs
- Click the Update Ranking Type button to complete the operation
Delete a ranking type
To delete a ranking type proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Teams -> Ranking Types menu
- Click the trash icon associated with the ranking type that should be deleted
Import Menu
The SE Settings -> Import menu should be used to import the plugin data previously stored inside the XML file generated with the SE Settings -> Export menu.
To import the plugin data proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Settings -> Import menu
- Click the Choose File button and select the XML file that includes the plugin data
- Click the Upload file and import button to start the process
- Verify the number of records actually imported by reading the message provided at the end of the procedure
Export Menu
The SE Settings -> Export menu gives you the ability to generate an XML file with included all the plugin data.
To export the plugin data proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Settings -> Export menu
- Click the Export button
- You can now access to the generated XML file from your downloads folder
Maintenance Menu
The Maintenance menu gives you the ability to perform bulk operations.
The following tasks are available:
- Delete Data
To execute a task proceed as follows:
- Visit the SE Settings -> Maintenance menu
- With the Task field select the task that you want to perform
- Click the Execute Task button
Options Menu
The Options menu includes a total of 143 options, you can hover the mouse over the question mark available on the right of each option to receive additional information on how the specific option should be used.
Match Timeline Block
The Match Timeline block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a match timeline.
General information
To include the Match Timeline block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Timeline block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Timeline block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
- Match Timeline
Match Commentary Block
The Match Commentary block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a match commentary.
General information
To include the Match Commentary block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Commentary block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Commentary block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
Match Score Block
The Match Score block allows you to display in the front-end of the website general information about a match.
General information
To include the Match Score block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Score block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Score block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
Match Visual Lineup Block
The Match Visual Lineup block allows you to display in the front-end of the website the visual representation of the lineup of a team in the specified match.
General information
To include the Match Visual Lineup block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Visual Lineup block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Visual Lineup block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
- Team
Match Lineup Block
The Match Lineup block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the lineup of a team in the specified match.
General information
To include the Match Lineup block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Lineup block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Lineup block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
- Team
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Match Substitutions Block
The Match Substitutions block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the substitutes of a team in the specified match.
General information
To include the Match Substitutions block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Substitutions block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Substitutions block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
- Team
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Match Staff Block
The Match Staff block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the staff members of a team in the specified match.
General information
To include the Match Staff block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Match Staff block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Match Staff block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Match
- Team
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Matches Block
The Matches block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the matches.
General information
To include the Matches block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Matches block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Matches block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Team 1
- Team 2
- Start Date
- End Date
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Squad Lineup Block
The Squad Lineup block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the lineup of a squad.
General information
To include the Squad Lineup block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Squad Lineup block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Squad Lineup block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Squad
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Squad Substitutions Block
The Squad Substitutions block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the substitutions of a squad.
General information
To include the Squad Substitutions block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Squad Substitutions block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Squad Substitutions block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Squad
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Squad Staff Block
The Squad Staff block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the staff members of a squad.
General information
To include the Squad Staff block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Squad Staff block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Squad Staff block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Squad
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Competition Round Block
The Competition Round block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the matches of a competition round.
General information
To include the Competition Round block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Competition Round block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Competition Round block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Competition
- Round
- Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Competition Standings Table Block
The Competition Standings Table block allows you to display in the front-end of the website the standings table of the selected competition.
To include the Competition Round block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Competition Standings Table block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Competition Round block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Competition
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Additional Information
Please consider what follows:
- The matches considered to calculate the standings table are the ones associated with the selected competition
- The standings table is generated only for competitions of type “Round Robin”
- The points assigned to each team and the sorting order are based on the parameters included in the SE Matches -> Competitions -> Round Robin section of the competition
Transfers Block
The Transfers block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the transfers.
To include the Transfers block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Transfers block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Transfers block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player
- Transfer Type
- Team Left
- Team Joined
- Start Date
- End Date
- Fee Lower Limit
- Fee Higher Limit
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Team Contracts Block
The Team Contracts block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the team contracts.
To include the Team Contracts block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Team Contracts block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Team Contracts block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Team
- Team Contract Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Agency Contracts Block
The Agency Contracts block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the agency contracts.
To include the Agency Contracts block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Agency Contracts block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Agency Contracts block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Agency
- Agency Contract Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Market Value Transitions Block
The Market Value Transitions block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the market value transitions.
To include the Market Value Transitions block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Market Value Transitions block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Market Value Transitions block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player
- Start Date
- End Date
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Market Value Transitions Chart Block
The Market Value Transitions Chart block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a line chart that represents the market value transitions of the selected players.
General information
To include the Market Value Transitions Chart block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Market Value Transitions Chart block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Market Value Transitions Chart block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player 1
- Player 2
- Player 3
- Player 4
- Start Date
- End Date
Players Block
The Players block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the players.
General information
To include the Players block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Players block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Players block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Start Date of Birth
- End Date of Birth
- Citizenship
- Foot
- Player Position
- Squad
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Player Summary Block
The Player Summary block allows you to display in the front-end of the website general information about a specific player.
General instructions
To include the Player Summary block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Player Summary block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Players block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player
Player Awards Block
The Player Awards block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the player awards.
General instructions
To include the Player Awards block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Player Awards block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Player Awards block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player Award Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Unavailable Players Block
The Unavailable Players block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the unavailable players.
General information
To include the Unavailable Players block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Unavailable Players block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Unavailable Players block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player
- Unavailable Player Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Injuries Block
The Injuries block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the injuries.
General information
To include the Injuries block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Injuries block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Injuries block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Player
- Injury Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Staff Block
The Staff block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the staff members.
General information
To include the Staff block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Staff Summary block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Staff block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Retired
- Gender
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Staff Summary Block
The Staff Summary block allows you to display in the front-end of the website general information about a specific staff member.
General information
To include the Staff Summary block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Player Summary block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Staff Summary block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Staff
Staff Awards Block
The Staff Awards block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the staff awards.
General information
To include the Staff Awards block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Staff Awards block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Staff Awards block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Staff Award Type
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Referee Summary Block
The Referee Summary block allows you to display in the front-end of the website general information about a specific referee.
General information
To include the Referee Summary block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Referee Summary block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Referee Summary block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Referee
Referee Statistics by Competition Block
The Referee Statistics by Competition block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with statistics about a specific referee for each competition.
General information
To include the Referee Statistics by Competition block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Referee Statistics by Competition block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Referee Statistics by Competition block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Referee
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Referee Statistics by Team Block
The Referee Statistics by Team block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with statistics about a specific referee for each team.
General information
To include the Referee Statistics by Team block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Referee Statistics by Team block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Referee Statistics by Team block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Referee
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Trophies Block
The Trophies block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the trophies.
General information
To include the Trophies block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Trophies block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Trophies block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Trophies
- Team
- Start Assignment Date
- End Assignment Date
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Ranking Transitions Block
The Ranking Transitions block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a table with information about the ranking transitions.
General information
To include the Ranking Transitions block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Ranking Transitions block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Ranking Transitions block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Team
- Ranking Type
- Start Date
- End Date
- Columns
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 1)
- Hidden Columns (Breakpoint 2)
- Pagination
Ranking Transitions Chart Block
The Ranking Transitions Chart block allows you to display in the front-end of the website a line chart that represents the ranking transitions of the selected teams.
General information
To include the Ranking Transitions Chart block in a post, page or custom post type proceed as follows:
- Edit a post, page or custom post type
- Enable the Visual Editor
- Click on the Add Block button
- Open the Soccer Engine block category and select the Ranking Transitions Chart block
- Customize the behavior of the block with the options available in the Settings Sidebar
- Click the Publish/Update button to apply your changes
Block options
The Ranking Transitions Chart block includes the following options in the Settings Sidebar:
- Team 1
- Team 2
- Team 3
- Team 4
- Ranking Type
- Start Date
- End Date
Consume and manage the Soccer Engine plugin data with the provided endpoints.
GET / agencies
Return data about the agencies.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included agencies. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded agencies. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘agency_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘full_name’, ‘address’, ‘tel’, ‘fax’, ‘website’ |
GET / agency-contracts
Return data about the agency contracts.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
agency_contract_type | optional | The ID of the agency contract type. |
player | optional | The ID of the player. |
agency | optional | The ID of the agency. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included agency contracts. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded agency contracts. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘agency_contract_id’, ‘agency_contract_type_id’, ‘player_id’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’, ‘agency_id’ |
GET / agency-contract-types
Return data about the agency contract types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included agency contract types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded agency contract types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘agency_contract_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / competitions
Return data about the competitions.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included competitions. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded competitions. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘competition_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘logo’, ‘type’, ’rounds’ |
GET / events
Return data about the events.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
match | optional | The ID of the match. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included events. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded events. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘event_id’, ‘data’, ‘match_id’, ‘part’, ‘team_slot’, ‘time’, ‘additional_time’, ‘description’, ‘match_effect’, ‘player_id’, ‘player_id_substitution_out’, ‘player_id_substitution_in’, ‘staff_id’ |
GET / players
Return data about the players.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
citizenship | optional | The citizenship of the player expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
position | optional | The ID of the player position. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included players. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded players. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘id’, ‘first_name’, ‘last_name’, ‘citizenship’, ‘second_citizenship’, ‘position’, ‘date_of_birth’, ‘date_of_death’, ‘gender’, ‘height’, ‘foot’, ‘retired’ |
GET / formations
Return data about the formations.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included formations. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded formations. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘formation_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / injuries
Return data about the injuries.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
injury_type | optional | The ID of the injury type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included injuries. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded injuries. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘injury_id’, ‘injury_type_id’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’, ‘player_id’ |
GET / jersery-sets
Return data about the jersey sets.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included jersey sets. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded jersey sets. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘jersey_set_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / market-value-transitions
Return data about the market value transitions.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included market value transitions. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded market value transitions. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘market_value_transition_id’, ‘date’, ‘value’, ‘player_id’ |
GET / matches
Return data about the matches.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
team_id_1 | optional | The ID of team 1. |
team_id_2 | optional | The ID of team 2. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included matches. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded matches. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘match_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘competition_id’, ’round’, ‘type’, ‘team_id_1’, ‘team_id_2’, ‘date’, ‘time’, ‘fh_additional_time’, ‘sh_additional_time’, ‘fh_extra_time_additional_time’, ‘sh_extra_time_additional_time’ |
GET / player-awards
Return data about the player awards.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
player_award_type | optional | The ID of the player award type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included player awards. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded player awards. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘player_award_id’, ‘player_award_type_id’, ‘assignment_date’, ‘player_id’ |
GET / player-award-types
Return data about the player award types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included player award types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded player award types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘player_award_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / player-positions
Return data about the player positions.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included player positions. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded player positions. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘player_position_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘abbreviation’ |
GET / ranking-transitions
Return data about the ranking transitions.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
ranking_type | required | The ID of the ranking type. |
page | required | The page of results. |
per_page | required | The number of results per page. |
include | required | The IDs of the included ranking transitions. |
exclude | required | The IDs of the excluded ranking transitions. |
order | required | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | required | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘ranking_transition_id’, ‘ranking_type_id’, ‘value’, ‘team_id’, ‘date’ |
GET / ranking-types
Return data about the ranking types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | option | The page of results. |
per_page | option | The number of results per page. |
include | option | The IDs of the included ranking types. |
exclude | option | The IDs of the excluded ranking types. |
order | option | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | option | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘ranking_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / referee-badges
Return data about the referee badges.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
referee | optional | The ID of the referee. |
referee_badge_type | optional | The ID of the referee badge type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included referee badges. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded referee badges. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘referee_badge_id’, ‘referee_id’, ‘referee_badge_type_id’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’ |
GET / referee-badge-types
Return data about the referee badge types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included referee badge types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded referee badge types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘referee_badge_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / squads
Return data about the squads.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
jersey_set | optional | The ID of the jersey set. |
formation | optional | The ID of the formation. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included squads. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded squads. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘squad_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘jersey_set_id’, ‘formation_id’ |
GET / stadiums
Return data about the stadiums.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included stadiums. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded stadiums. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘stadium_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘image’ |
GET / staff
Return data about the staff.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
citizenship | optional | The citizenship of the staff member expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
staff_type | optional | The ID of the staff type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included staff members. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded staff members. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘staff_id’, ‘first_name’, ‘last_name’, ‘image’, ‘citizenship’, ‘second_citizenship’, ‘staff_type_id’, ‘retired’, ‘gender’, ‘date_of_birth’, ‘date_of_death’ |
GET / staff-awards
Return json data about the staff awards.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
staff_award_type | optional | The ID of the staff award type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included staff awards. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded staff awards. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘staff_award_id’, ‘staff_award_type_id’, ‘assignment_date’, ‘staff_id’ |
GET / staff-award-types
Return data about the staff award types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included staff award types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded staff award types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘staff_award_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / staff-types
Return data about the staff types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included staff types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded staff types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘staff_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / teams
Return data about the teams.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included teams. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded teams. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘team_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘logo’, ‘type’, ‘foundation_date’, ‘stadium_id’, ‘full_name’, ‘address’, ‘tel’, ‘fax’, ‘website_url’, ‘club_nation’, ‘national_team_confederation’ |
GET / team-contracts
Return data about the team contracts.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included team contracts. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded team contracts. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘team_contract_id’, ‘team_contract_type_id’, ‘player_id’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’, ‘salary’, ‘team_id’ |
GET / team-contract-types
Return data about the team contract types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included team contract types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded team contract types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘team_contract_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / transfers
Return data about the transfers.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
players | optional | The ID of the players. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included transfers. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded transfers. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘transfer_id’, ‘player_id’, ‘date’, ‘team_id_left’, ‘team_id_joined’, ‘fee’, ‘transfer_type_id’ |
GET / transfer-types
Return data about the transfer types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included transfer types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded transfer types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘transfer_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
GET / trophies
Return data about the trophies.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
trophy_type | optional | The ID of the trophy type. |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included trophies. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded trophies. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘trophy_id’, ‘trophy_type_id’, ‘team_id’, ‘assignment_date’ |
GET / trophy-types
Return data about the trophy types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included trophy types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded trophy types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘trophy_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’, ‘logo’ |
GET / unavailable-players
Return data about the unavailable players.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included unavailable players. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded unavailable players. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘unavailable_player_id’, ‘player_id’, ‘unavailable_player_type_id’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’ |
GET / unavailable-player-types
Return data about the unavailable player types.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
page | optional | The page of results. |
per_page | optional | The number of results per page. |
include | optional | The IDs of the included unavailable player types. |
exclude | optional | The IDs of the excluded unavailable player types. |
order | optional | The sorting order. Default: ‘desc’ Options: ‘asc’, ‘desc’ |
orderby | optional | The field used to sort the results. Options: ‘unavailable_player_type_id’, ‘name’, ‘description’ |
POST / matches
Create a match.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the match. |
description | required | The description of the match. |
competition_id | optional | The ID of the competition associated with the match. |
round | optional | The round of the competition. |
type | optional | The type of round of the competition. 0 = Single Leg, 1 = First Leg, 2 = Second Leg |
team_id_[1-2] | required | The team [1-2] of the match. |
date | required | The date of the match in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
time | required | The time of the match in the HH:MM format. E.g. 9:30, 15:00, 20:45 |
fh_additional_time | required | The additional time of the first half in minutes. |
sh_additional_time | required | The additional time of the second half in minutes. |
fh_extra_time_additional_time | required | The additional time of the first half extra time in minutes. |
sh_extra_time_additional_time | required | The additional time of the second half extra time in minutes. |
referee_id | optional | The ID of the referee associated with the match. |
stadium_id | optional | The ID of the stadium associated with the match. |
attendance | required | The attendance of the match. |
team_[1-2]_lineup_player_id_[1-11] | optional | The ID of player [1-2] in team [1-11]. |
team_[1-2]_substitute_player_id_[1-11] | optional | The ID of player substitute [1-2] in team [1-11]. |
team_[1-2]_formation_id | optional | The formation of team [1-2]. |
team_[1-2]_jersey_set_id | optional | The jersey set of team [1-2]. |
POST / events
Create an event.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
match_id | required | The ID of the match. |
part | required | The part of the match. 0 = First Half, 1 = Second Half |
data | required | The type of data associated with the event. 0 = Basic, 2 = Complete |
team_slot | required | The team of the event. 0 = Team 1, 1 = Team 2 |
match_effect | required | The effect of the event on the match. 0 = None, 1 = Goal, 2 = Yellow Card, 3 = Red Card, 4 = Substitution |
player_id | mixed | The ID of the player who caused the event. This parameter is required on if [todo]. |
player_substitution_out | mixed | The ID of the replaced player of a substitution event. This parameter is required on if [todo]. |
player_substitution_in | mixed | The ID of a new player of substitution event. This parameter is required on if [todo]. |
staff_id | mixed | The ID of the staff member who caused the event. This parameter is required on if [todo]. |
part | required | The part of the match. 0 = First Half, 1 = Second Half, 2 = First Half Extra Time, 3 = Second Half Extra Time, 4 = Penalty |
time | required | The time of the event in the selected match part. |
additional_time | required | The additional time of the event in the selected match part. |
description | reqiured | The description of the event. |
POST / competitions
Create a competition.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the competition. |
description | required | The description of the competition. |
logo | optional | The URL of an image associated the competition. |
type | required | The type of competition. 0 = Elimination, 1 = Round Robin |
rounds | required | The number of rounds of the competition. |
team_id_[1-128] | required | The ID of team [1-128]. |
rr_victory_points | required | The number of points assigned to a team when a victory is achieved in a Round Robin competition. |
rr_draw_points | required | The number of points assigned to a team when a draw is achieved in a Round Robin competition. |
rr_defeat_points | required | The number of points assigned to a team when a defeat is achieved in a Round Robin competition. |
rr_sorting_order_1 | required | The sorting order. (Priority 1) 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending |
rr_sorting_order_by_1 | required | The column used to sort the table. (Priority 1) |
rr_sorting_order_2 | required | The sorting order. (Priority 2) 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending |
rr_sorting_order_by_2 | required | The column used to sort the table. (Priority 2) |
POST / transfers
Create a transfer.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
player_id | required | The ID of the transferred player. |
date | required | The date of the transfer in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
team_id_left | optional | The ID of the team left by the player. |
team_id_joined | optional | The ID of the team joined by the player. |
fee | required | The fee of the transfer. |
transfer_type_id | required | The ID of the transfer type. |
POST / transfer-types
Create a transfer type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the transfer type. |
description | required | The description of the transfer type. |
POST / team-contracts
Create a team contract.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
team_contract_type_id | required | The ID of the contract type. |
player_id | required | The ID of the player. |
start_date | required | The start date of the contract in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end_date | required | The end date of the contract in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
salary | required | The salary of the contract. |
team_id | required | The ID of the team. |
POST / team-contract-types
Create a team contract type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the team contract type. |
description | required | The description of the team contract type. |
POST / agencies
Create an agency.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the agency. |
description | required | The description of the agency. |
full_name | optional | The full name of the agency. |
address | optional | The address of the agency. |
tel | optional | The telephone number of the agency. |
fax | optional | The fax number of the agency. |
website | optional | The website of the agency. |
POST / agency-contracts
Create an agency contract.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
agency_contract_type_id | required | The ID of the agency contract type. |
player_id | required | The ID of the player. |
start_date | required | The start date of the agency contract in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end_date | required | The end date of the agency contract in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
agency_id | required | The ID of the agency. |
POST / agency-contract-types
Create an agency contract type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the agency contract type. |
description | required | The description of the agency contract type. |
POST / market-value-transitions
Create a market value transition.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
date | required | The date of the market value transition in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
value | required | The value of the player. |
player_id | required | The ID of the player. |
POST / players
Create a player.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
first_name | required | The first name of the player. |
last_name | required | The last name of the player. |
image | optional | An URL with the image of the player. |
citizenship | required | The citizenship of the player expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
second_citizenship | optional | The citizenship of the player expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
player_position_id | required | The position of the player. |
date_of_birth | optional | The date of birth of the player in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
date_of_death | optional | The date of death of the player in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
gender | required | The gender of the player. 0 = Male, 1 = Female |
height | optional | The height of the player. |
retired | required | The retired status of the player. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
POST / player-positions
Create an player position.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the player position. |
description | required | The description of the player position. |
abbreviation | required | The abbreviation of the player position. |
POST / player-awards
Create a player award.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
player | required | The ID of the player. |
player_award_type_id | required | The ID of the player award type. |
assignment_date | required | The assignment date of the player award in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / player-award-types
Create a player award type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the player award type. |
description | required | The description of the player award type. |
POST / unavailable-players
Create an unavailable player.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
player_id | required | The ID of the unavailable player. |
unavailable_player_type_id | required | The ID of the unavailable player type. |
start_date | required | The start date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end_date | required | The end date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / unavailable-player-types
Create an unavailable player type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the unavailable player type. |
description | required | The description of the unavailable player type. |
POST / injuries
Create an injury.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
injury_type_id | required | The ID of the injured player. |
start_date | required | The start date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end_date | required | The end date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
player | required | The ID of the injured player. |
POST / injuries-types
Create an injury.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the injury type. |
description | required | The description of the injury type. |
POST / staff
Create a staff member.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
first_name | required | The first name of the staff member. |
last_name | required | The last name of the staff member. |
image | optional | The URL of a staff member image. |
citizenship | required | The citizenship of the staff member expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
second_citizenship | optional | The second citizenship of the staff member expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
staff_type_id | required | The ID of the staff member type. |
retired | required | The retired status of the staff member. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
gender | required | The gender of the staff member. 0 = Male, 1 = Female |
date_of_birth | optional | The date of birth of the staff member in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
date_of_death | optional | The date of death of the staff member in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / staff-types
Create a staff member type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the staff type. |
description | required | The description of the staff type. |
POST / staff-awards
Create a staff member award.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
staff_award_type_id | required | The ID of the staff award type. |
assignment_date | required | The assignment date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
staff_id | required | The ID of the staff member. |
POST / staff-award-types
Create a staff award type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the staff award type. |
description | required | The description of the staff award type. |
POST / referees
Create a referee.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
first_name | required | The name of the referee. |
last_name | required | The description of the referee. |
image | optional | The URL of a referee image. |
citizenship | required | The citizenship of the staff member expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
second_citizenship | optional | The second citizenship of the staff member expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
place_of_birth | optional | The place of birth of the referee. |
residence | optional | The residence of the referee. |
retired | optional | The retired status of the referee. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
gender | required | The gender of the referee. 0 = Male, 1 = Female |
date_of_birth | optional | The date of birth of the staff member in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
date_of_death | optional | The date of death of the staff member in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / referee-badges
Create a referee badge.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
referee_id | required | The ID of the referee. |
referee_badge_type_id | required | The ID of the referee badge type. |
start_date | required | The start date of the referee badge in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end_date | required | The end date of the referee badge in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / referee-badge-types
Create a referee badge type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the referee badge type. |
description | required | The description of the referee badge type. |
POST / teams
Create a team.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the team. |
description | required | The description of the team. |
logo | optional | The URL of the team logo. |
type | optional | The type of team. 0 = Club, 1 = National Team |
foundation_date | optional | The foundation date of the team in yyyy-mm-dd format. |
stadium_id | optional | The ID of the stadium of the team. |
full_name | optional | The full name of the team. |
address | optional | The address of the team. |
tel | optional | The telephone number of the team. |
fax | optional | The fax number of the team. |
website_url | optional | The website URL of the team. |
club_nation | optional | The club nation expressed as a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
national_team_confederation | optional | The national team confederation. 0 = AFC, 1 = CAF, 2 = CONCACAF, 3 = CONMEBOL, 4 = OFC, 5 = UEFA |
POST / squads
Create a squad.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the squad. |
description | required | The description of the squad. |
lineup_player_id_[1-20] | optional | The player [1-20] of the squad. |
substitute_player_id_[1-20] | optional | The substitute [1-20] of the squad. |
staff_id_[1-20] | optional | The staff member [1-20] of the squad. |
jersey_set_id | optional | The jersey set of the squad. |
formation_id | optional | The formation of the squad. |
POST / formations
Create a formation.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the formation. |
description | required | The description of the formation. |
x_position_[1-11] | required | The X position of player [1-11]. |
y_position_[1-11] | required | The Y position of player [1-11]. |
POST / jersey-sets
Create a jersey set.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the formation. |
description | required | The description of the formation. |
player_[1-50] | required | The player [1-50]. |
jersey_number_player_[1-50] | required | The jersey number of player [1-50]. |
POST / stadiums
Create a stadium.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the formation. |
description | required | The description of the formation. |
image | optional | The URL of a stadium image. |
POST / trophies
Create a trophy.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
trophy_type_id | required | The ID of the trophy type. |
team_id | required | The ID of the team associated with the trophy. |
assignment_date | required | The assignment date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / trophy-types
Create a trophy type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the trophy type. |
description | required | The description of the trophy type. |
logo | required | The URL of a trophy type image. |
POST / ranking-transitions
Create a ranking transition.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
ranking_type_id | required | The ID of the ranking type. |
value | required | The ranking value. |
team_id | required | The ID of the team of the ranking transition. |
date | required | The date of the ranking transition in the yyyy-mm-dd format. |
POST / ranking-types
Create a ranking type.
Base Route
Name | Required | Description |
name | required | The name of the ranking type. |
description | required | The description of the ranking type. |
As a secondary method to include the layout elements generated by the plugin in the posts, you can use the following WordPress shortcodes:
Layout Element | Shortcode Tag | Parameters |
Transfers | se-transfers | player-id, transfer-type-id, team-id-left, team-id-joined, start-date, end-date, fee-lower-limit, fee-higher-limit, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Team Contracts | se-team-contracts | team-id, team-contract-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Agency Contracts | se-agency-contracts | agency-id, agency-contract-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Players | se-players | start-date-of-birth, end-date-of-birth, citizenship, foot, player-position-id, squad-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Player Awards | se-player-awards | player-award-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Unavailable Players | se-unavailable-players | player-id, unavailable-player-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Injuries | se-injuries | player-id, injury-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Staff | se-staff | staff-type-id, retired, gender, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Staff Awards | se-staff-awards | staff-award-type-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Trophies | se-trophies | trophy-type-id, team-id, start-assignment-date, end-assignment-date, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Matches | se-matches | team-id-1, team-id-2, start-date, end-date, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Ranking Transitions | se-ranking-transitions | team-id, ranking-type-id, start-date, end-date, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Ranking Transitions Chart | se-ranking-transitions-chart | team-id-1, team-id-2, team-id-3, team-id-4, ranking-type-id, start-date, end-date |
Market Value Transitions | se-market-value-transitions | player-id, start-date, end-date, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Market Value Transitions Chart | se-market-value-transitions-chart | player-id-1, player-id-2, player-id-3, player-id-4, start-date, end-date |
Match Timeline | se-match-timeline | match-id, match-effect |
Match Commentary | se-match-commentary | match-id |
Match Lineup | se-match-lineup | match-id, team-slot, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Match Visual Lineup | se-match-visual-lineup | match-id, team-slot |
Match Substitutions | se-match-substitutions | match-id, team-slot, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Match Staff | se-match-staff | match-id, team-slot, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Squad Lineup | se-squad-lineup | squad-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Squad Substitutions | se-squad-substitutions | squad-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Squad Staff | se-squad-staff | squad-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Competition Standings Table | se-competition-standings-table | competition-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Competition Round | se-competition-round | competition-id, round, type, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Match Score | se-match-score | match-id |
Player Summary | se-player-summary | player-id |
Staff Summary | se-staff-summary | staff-id |
Referee Summary | se-referee-summary | referee-id |
Referee Statistics by Competitions | se-referee-statistics-by-competition | referee-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Referee Statistics by Team | se-referee-statistics-by-team | referee-id, columns, hidden-columns-breakpoint-1, hidden-columns-breakpoint-2, pagination |
Example 1
Display the Player Summary layout of a specific player.
[se-player-summary player-id="1"]
Example 2
Display the Match Timeline layout of a specific match.
[se-match-timeline match-id="1" match-effect="0"]
Example 3
Display the Match Commentary layout of a specific match.
[se-match-commentary match-id="1"]
This plugin makes use of the following resources:
- Chosen licensed under the MIT License
- Spectrum licensed under the MIT License
- Chart.js licensed under the MIT License
- Moment.js licensed under the MIT License
- Flags icons by GoSquared licensed under the MIT License
- jQuery licensed under the MIT License
- The ball icon used in the back-end menus is part of Font Awesome and is licensed under the SIL license.
Which versions of PHP are supported?
PHP 5.6 and later versions are supported.
Which versions of WordPress are supported?
WordPress 5.3 and later versions are supported.