Generate internal links statistics
The Dashboard menu allows you to generate data and statistics about the internal links available in the posts, pages, and custom post types of your blog.
You can generate these data for the first time or update your data by following this procedure:
- Visit the Interlinks -> Dashboard menu
- Click the Update metrics button
Each row of the generated table will present the following information:
- Post – The post title.
- Date – The post publishing date.
- Type – The post type.
- Length – The length of the raw (with filters not applied) post.
- Manual IL – The manual internal links of the post.
- Auto IL – The auto internal links of the post, in other words, the links automatically generated based on the keywords defined in the AIL menu.
- Int. Inbound Links – The number of internal inbound links received by the post.
- Recomm. – The recommended number of interlinks. This value is based on the content length and the Characters per Interlink option.
- Clicks – The number of visits generated with the internal links of this post. This value will be equal to zero if you are not tracking the clicks on the internal links with the Track Internal Links option.
- Opt. – The optimization flag is based on the content length, on the Characters per Interlink option, and on the Optimization Delta option defined on the plugin options.
Data Filtering
The filters section available in the Dashboard menu gives you the ability to filter your data:
- By optimization status (All, Not optimized, and Optimized)
- By post title
Exporting Data
With the Export button, you can export all the data in CSV format.