Monitor the Requests Sent to the Cloud Services
Statistics Menu
The Real Voice plugin allows you to monitor the requests sent to the text-to-speech cloud services.
Specifically, the Real Voice -> Statistics menu includes a dashboard with the following information:
- A section named Requests Overview that includes a line chart with the requests performed to the cloud service in the specified period.
- A section named Requests Data that includes a paginated table with the single requests sent to the cloud service.
- A Filter Data section that allows you to configure the considered time interval and the text-to-speech converter.
Cloud Services Errors
Archived Request
The plugin collects the status of the requests performed to the text-to-speech cloud services. This value is visible in the Status column of the table available in the Real Voice -> Statistics menu.
When the status of a request is “Success”, this means that the cloud service responded by proving the audio file data. When the status of a request is “Error”, followed by the details of the error, it means that the cloud service could not generate the audio file data.
Dismissible Notices
When audio files are manually generated by clicking on the Generate file button available in the Audio File post sidebar, the plugin displays a dismissible notice with the details of the operation. If a request generates an error, the error message provided by the cloud services is displayed in the notice.