Use the best standard and AI text-to-speech engines to create audio from your written content. Let your visitor listen to the audio version of your articles with Real Voice!
The best standard and AI-based text-to-speech engines have an integration in the plugin. From the convenient browser-based SpeechSynthesis API, to advanced cloud-based engines like Amazon Polly, Google Text-to-Speech AI, Azure Text to speech, and more.
Text-to-speech cloud services are expensive; consequently, monitoring the API calls and sending only the necessary requests is very important. With the included dashboard, you can visualize the single API requests, filter the available data, and generate charts.
We built a custom HTML audio player that you can customize from the plugin settings. Configure the colors and the typography of all the elements displayed in the audio player, manage the audio player's responsive behavior, and add custom messages.
You can define the content you want to convert to audio from dedicated post editor sidebar sections (or meta boxes for Classic Editor users). Possible sources are the post content, custom-defined plain text, or an SSML document.
Your web server must run WordPress version 5.0 or greater and have at least PHP 7.4 installed. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of PHP for the best performance.
We offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy. Don't like the plugin for any reason? Send us an email at, and we will refund your entire purchase.
When you purchase the plugin, an annual subscription will automatically be created using your chosen payment method. You can cancel your subscription at any time from your account.
The plugin is open source. Real Voice will continue working when your license expires, but you will no longer be able to download the latest plugin updates.
See the plugin in action with 16 captioned screenshots.