
Learn more about WordPress with our articles
How to Disable the Author Pages in WordPress

How to Disable the Author Pages in WordPress

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to disable author pages using a plugin or hand code your WordPress website.

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How to Create the Perfect WordPress Developer Portfolio

How to Create the Perfect WordPress Developer Portfolio

Discover the elements that a developer portfolio should include, and get tips on creating a stand-out portfolio for potential clients.

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How to Hide Menu Items Based on a Role With WordPress

How to Hide Menu Items Based on a Role With WordPress

This tutorial will cover how to hide menu items based on the user's role with WordPress using a free plugin or with custom PHP code.

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How to Allow Unfiltered HTML in WordPress

How to Allow Unfiltered HTML in WordPress

Learn how to allow unfiltered HTML in WordPress. Our guide offers tips to achieve this with a role plugin and custom code.

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How to Add a “Was This Helpful?” Feedback Form With a WordPress Plugin

How to Add a “Was This Helpful?” Feedback Form With a WordPress Plugin

Let's see how to implement a "Was this helpful?" feedback form with a dedicated WordPress plugin and gain valuable insights about your content.

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How to Add a Collapsible Text Area in WordPress

How to Add a Collapsible Text Area in WordPress

Create a simple and effective collapsible text area that enhances the user experience on your WordPress website.

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Create a Delayed Redirect With a WordPress Plugin

Create a Delayed Redirect With a WordPress Plugin

Easily perform a delayed redirect with WordPress using existing plugins or with a custom implementation.

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How to Delete User Meta Values With WordPress

How to Delete User Meta Values With WordPress

In this article it will be treated how to delete WordPress user metadata programmatically and with phpMyAdmin.

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How to Create Line Charts With WordPress

How to Create Line Charts With WordPress

Let's dive into the world of line charts, know the best chart & graph plugins, and learn how to create a line chart with WordPress.

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How to Use WordPress Without Google Analytics

How to Use WordPress Without Google Analytics

Here's how you can track WordPress website traffic without Google Analytics by using these 5 alternative analytics plugins for free.

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7 Best Soccer Plugins for WordPress

7 Best Soccer Plugins for WordPress

If you're looking to create a football-related website with WordPress, don't forget to check these 7 soccer plugins for a jump start.

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Convert WordPress Articles to Markdown

Convert WordPress Articles to Markdown

In this article, I will look into automated solutions for converting WordPress posts to Markdown. Use the methods described to migrate your WordPress site to Markdown-enabled CMS or simply backup your articles in a convenient and easy-to-read format.

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